Organization | Grant Year | Project Title | Summary | Amount Awarded | Impact Story | Website | Video |
Alzheimer Society of PEI | 2023-2024 | Thrive and Care - Therapeutic and Social Interventions for Caregivers | Most care for persons living with dementia is provided by family and friends. Caregivers provide upwards of 40 hrs of care per week, and the demands of caregiving result in high levels of stress, depression, anxiety, burden, hopelessness, alcohol and drug use, and can result in poor physical health outcomes. | $268,967 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
BGC Prince County | 2023-2024 | BGC Prince County Community Engagement & Access Initiative | This project aims to extend the reach of its programs, enhancing access and engagement for children, youth, and families across Prince County. By introducing extended hours at Summerside and Wellington Clubs, and deploying dedicated Community Engagement and Access Coordinators, the initiative targets filling service gaps and bolstering program availability. | $293,822 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Big Brothers Big Sisters of PEI | 2023-2024 | Teen Mentoring | Through the existing relationship with PEI schools, we plan to continue and expand the Teen Mentoring program, where Teen Mentors in High School Leadership programs spend one hour per week with a child in a local Elementary School. | $165,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Canadian National Institute for the Blind with Charlottetown Physiotherapy | 2023-2024 | Bringing Balance: Physiotherapy sessions for persons with sight loss | With this pilot program, folks living with sight loss and blindness will have access to weekly group physiotherapy sessions with a trained professional with a focused emphasis on balance - one of the many areas of an individuals life impacted by sight loss and blindness. | $5,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Clean Foundation | 2023-2024 | Resilient Islanders, Resilient Island: Personal and Community Resilience to Climate Events. | This project will provide workshops across PEI which will provide participants with knowledge and tools to help them prepare for, navigate and cope with extreme weather and climate crisis emergencies on PEI. The workshops will provide climate-related tools for handling mental health and well-being for participants and others during crisis, as well as content on preparation for potential emergency scenarios like hurricanes, floods, fires, ice storms, and extended power outages. | $39,354 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Cooper Institute | 2023-2024 | Making Connections: Supporting Migrant Workers in PEI | Cooper Institute will develop and pilot a model for a centre for migrant workers who have arrived in PEI under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. The centre will help connect workers with necessary supports and services related to such things as employment, immigration, housing, and health (including mental health). | $248,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Kensington & Area Chamber of Commerce | 2023-2024 | Planning for Resilience in Rural Business Communities | The KACC will assist small business owners through the creation of a resilience-based network inviting likeminded small business owners to join in mental health professional development opportunities, build partnerships, find mentors/mentees, and continue contributing valuable products and businesses to the rural areas in need. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Lung Association of NS & PEI | 2023-2024 | Taking Action on Youth Vaping/Smoking Harm Reduction | This project will build on past LungNSPEI projects to continue raising awareness and capacity through the creation of knowledge dissemination materials and coordinated partnerships through the development of a ‘Youth Vaping/Smoking Community Coalition’. This coalition will create a collective impact strengthening existing advocacy efforts for improved policy aimed at preventing and reducing rates of vaping/smoking in PEI and mitigating sources of toxic stress caused by nicotine addiction. | $223,850 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
PEI Association for Community Living with Your Life Design Inc. | 2023-2024 | Building Resilience in PEI Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder | This project aims to support the mental well-being of individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are proud to offer a comprehensive Mental Health and mental well-being program tailored specifically for this unique population. | $300,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
PEI Coalition for Women in Government with the Federation of PEI Municipalities | 2023-2024 | Fostering Resilience in Women Leaders: Developing Connection into Action | This project aims to build on the first iteration of the initiative and will develop mentorship opportunities, provide new advocacy skills, and result in the creation of a municipal leadership toolkit developed directly by the women leaders. | $157,350 over 2 years | Visit Website | ||
Rowing Prince Edward Island | 2023-2024 | Women on Water PEI | The Women on Water program offers a supportive and flexible female-only environment to encourage participation in rowing for women and girls. Our 10-week program will take them through learning about water and boat safety, learning how to row, learning how to be part of a crew and how to race. | $24,300 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
PEI Humane Society | 2022-2023 | Safe Haven | Owning a pet can be a barrier to accessing services on PEI. Islanders with care needs related to mental health or housing may sometimes be in a position where they must choose between getting the care they need and staying with their animal companion. Over the last few years, the PEI Humane Society has sought to address this issue with its confidential Safe Haven Program. This high-demand Program provides temporary emergency housing for pets at no cost to their owners, allowing them to feel confident that their animal companions are safe. This targeted investment will support the operation of Safe Haven and allow the Humane Society to identify partner organizations to co-design a model for how animals could be housed on-site at treatment or care facilities across PEI. The goal of this model will be to avoid separating families to ensure better outcomes for owners and their beloved pets. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Recreation PEI | 2022-2023 | The FocUs Program | For Islanders living with chronic disease, the FocUs Program will expand on the already existing Exercise for Health programs, offered in partnership by Recreation PEI and Beck Exercise Physiology, to create beginner-friendly and judgement-free virtual exercise and education sessions. The sessions will run for six weeks, engaging those living with chronic disease as well as their families and support networks. With a concentration on purposeful movement, the FocUs Program aims to help over 100 Islanders improve their mental and physical health, leading to strengthened resilience in relation to the stresses they experience in life. | $150,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
PRIDE PEI Inc. | 2022-2023 | PRIDE 52 | For years, Pride PEI has supported PEI’s local 2SLGBTQIA+ community by hosting the annual PEI Pride Festival alongside other programming and initiatives. Through this work, the organization has been able to identify gaps across the province. PRIDE 52 will address some of those gaps through the creation of consistent programs and activities that run throughout the year and navigational services for 2SLGBTQIA+ community members. This will build on past initiatives like Coffee Catch Ups and Pride Talks which aimed to informally connect the community and create spaces for learning across PEI. In this visible presence throughout the year with PRIDE 52, Pride PEI hopes to strengthen resilience by fostering stronger community connections and a sense of belonging. At its core, this work aims to break down the cycle of fear, isolation, and mental health challenges that many 2SLGBTQIA+ people may face when finding themselves. | $150,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Creative PEI | 2022-2023 | The Creative Well-Being Initiative | Based on the findings reached through the first edition of this project, Creative PEI’s Creative Well-Being Initiative will build out informed programming to improve the mental well-being of artists and arts sector workers. The programming includes a peer mentorship program to help artists connect with one another and navigate the stresses of their sectors and a free or sliding-scale therapy service for artists. There will also be the creation of an arts-specific helping tree, a refined annual artist well-being survey, support for Brain Story Certification, and two conferences that look at ways to address mental well-being within the sector. Combined, this diverse array of programming and initiatives seeks to shift the sector’s perception and engagement with the well-being of artists as individuals and as a community. | $287,550 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Reach Foundation | 2022-2023 | Expanding Your Reach | Expanding Your Reach incorporates recovery support, skills development, and social enterprise activities into one program. Since 2018, it has supported hundreds of youth in recovery by strengthening resilience through social and emotional skills and facilitating the transition from recovery to the workforce or further education. This grant will extend the length of the existing program from 16 weeks to 12 months, addressing the requests of participants for continued support to implement the skills in daily life. In the new program, the first 16 weeks will run as usual with a back-to-work component that helps participants identify their personal needs and develop self-confidence. Building on that, there will be a pre-program to help prepare participants for their journey as well as additional weekly support when they return to work or school. In expanding the program, Reach Foundation aims to increase success rates in participant goal achievement and decrease negative outcomes related to substance use. | $292,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
BGC Charlottetown and Montague | 2022-2023 | Evening Programs | Currently, BGC Charlottetown and Montague offers two evening programs at different points during the year in Charlottetown. Youth Night Drop-In and Evening Programming serve to increase access to the services and care that BGC provides. Youth Night provides a safe and inclusive place for those aged 13 to 16 to socialize with peers outside of home and school. It also fosters leadership and agency while nurturing creativity. Evening Programming expands on the BGC’s traditional after-school programs and focuses on topics like food and physical literacy. In the evenings, a hot meal is provided to each attendee, ensuring that they are well-nourished and able to engage with the program to the best of their ability. Both programs help participants strengthen resilience and develop responsibility. This grant will allow the programs to become a part of BGC’s core offerings.It will also see the evening programs grow through: - Increased capacity for new participants - Learning sessions from guest experts on topics like fine arts and computer science - Expansion to Montague - Elimination of any cost for participation. | $250,150 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Milton Community Hall | 2022-2023 | Milton Community Hall’s MVP – Most Valuable People | The Milton Community Hall currently holds a variety of social and educational activities to bring its local community members together. These close-to-home activities help to make their neighbourhood a place where residents of all ages feel a sense of connection and belonging. Milton Community Hall’s MVP – Most Valuable People project will build on the current capacity for programming and add 50 additional free or low-cost events, classes, and activities throughout the year. This will help the Hall reach over 4,000 visits from community members. Themes of health, relationships, creativity, nature, life skills, parental and family support, youth, and social inclusion will be drawn on. The efforts of this project will see the growth of social networks and diverse skill sets– both of which can contribute to the strengthening of resilience. | $118,050 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Paramedic Association of PEI | 2022-2023 | PAPEI Suicide Prevention and Intervention Program | The Paramedic Association of PEI regularly provides all paramedics across the province with opportunities for professional development through continued education, building on their foundational knowledge. The PAPEI Suicide Prevention and Intervention Program will expand those opportunities to provide certified, evidence-based training like Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Program and Mental Health First Aid. Access to this type of training will improve the ability of paramedics to respond to individuals experiencing suicidal ideation and other psychiatric emergencies. It will also help paramedics support peers who may be experiencing personal struggles related to their own mental well-being. As a professional association, PAPEI seeks to create a culture of education and encourage cohesion with allied first responders who paramedics work with on a daily basis. The program will invite 30 police officers (10 from each major policing service in the province) to take part in the training. The program will also allow for discussion between participants on their experience with the training and the impact it has had on their work and the care they provide to patients. | $90,450 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
CHANCES | 2022-2023 | Community Navigator | For CHANCES, a Community Navigator initiative will serve as a tool for families in PEI facing additional life challenges. Community navigation, also known as patient navigation, aims to foster autonomy and strengthen resilience in families by providing guidance around the health and social care system. This guidance can facilitate timely access to services across the social determinants of health. With a consistent virtual/in-person presence embedded into the CHANCES multidisciplinary team, the Community Navigator position will support families through a person-centered approach. This approach will work to reduce barriers, prevent negative health outcomes, strengthen resilience, and improve well-being. Working with families across all existing CHANCES programs, the position will also build capacity to streamline referrals and report gaps and/or barriers to services and programs. As a result of this team addition, CHANCES anticipates a lessened need for families to require more “downstream” services. | $300,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Health Centered Research Clinic | 2022-2023 | Establishing Standards of Practice in the Delivery of Equine Assisted Mental Health and Well-Being Services in PEI | Establishing a scope of practice for equine assisted therapy practices on PEI. The goal is to integrate best practices for successful programming in mental health therapy and establish agreed upon criteria with the PEI community of therapists and equine handlers providing this service. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Association for Community Living | 2022-2023 | Building Resilience in PEI Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | This project is designed to provide specialized innovative mental health support, which includes positive behaviour support strategies for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | $49,180 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Native Council of PEI | 2022-2023 | Building Indigenous Resilience and Community Healing (BIRCH) | The project will support capacity-building by increasing staff resilience and knowledge, in part through raising awareness of the connection between resilience and mental well-being, based on science, but also based on traditional Indigenous ways of knowing and being. The project will also support the Native Council’s efforts to assess, learn, evaluate, and share resilience-building best practices and their impact on PEI. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Generation XX | 2022-2023 | Social Activities for Seniors (Chair Yoga and Mental Health) | The program will focus primarily on maintaining the well-being of local seniors along with aiding seniors with additional resources in leading healthy lives. A group of youth and seniors will be tasked with the design and implementation of the chair yoga program, as well as evaluate what additional programming might be suited for the seniors who partake. | $48,500 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Lung Association of NS & PEI | 2022-2023 | Engaging Youth Stakeholders in Youth Vaping Harm Reduction | This project builds on the previous 2021-2022 project and will ultimately build a network of interested parties who have a vested interest in youth mental health and addiction and who can work together to build best practice programming for Island youth. | $48,840 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
PEI Coalition for Women in Government | 2022-2023 | Fostering Resilience in Women Municipal Leaders | This project will offer a series of four (4) quarterly sessions for women serving in Municipal Government. These sessions will be an opportunity for women to; share experiences and best practices, gain tools/information to ensure women are able to deal with situations arising in a way that protects them/their families/their communities, and an opportunity to strategize on ways to make their municipalities safer. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
The River Clyde Pageant | 2022-2023 | Winter Workshops and Solstice Walks in New Glasgow | The project will scale up fall and winter community arts programming in the community of New Glasgow in Central PEI. This programming will include a series of multi-generational workshops culminating in the presentation of the annual Solstice Walk, an outdoor lantern walk that illuminates New Glasgow on the darkest day of the year. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Island Nature Trust | 2022-2023 | Empowering Youth in Nature to Promote Connection, Creativity and Mental Well-Being | This project approach is unique because it will allow Island Nature Trust to engage teachers, parents, and students around the province utilizing a hybrid model of storytelling, online content, and experiential nature learning. The core and unique pillars of this project are immersion in nature and storytelling, marrying the healing power of nature to the healing arts. | $45,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Sierra Club Canada Foundation | 2021-2022 | Outdoors is for Everyone! | Outside is for Everyone! will make the PEI Wild Child programs more accessible to families and enhance the ‘Wild Child Nature Immersion’ programs. These programs are child-led, inquiry driven and nature/play based activities. | $280,552.23 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
PEERS Alliance | 2021-2022 | Brave Spaces: Fostering compassionate community for 2SLGBTQ+ Islanders | The Brave Spaces project will provide training and support for PEERS Alliance staff and volunteers that will allow for enhanced community-based programming within the 2SLGBTQ+ community. | $300,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Connection 2 Employment | 2021-2022 | The 4titude Project | The 4titude (Fortitude) Project focuses on improving mental well-being and strengthening resilience in Island youth. A comprehensive mental well-being toolkit and a series of corresponding workshops focusing on the three principles of the resilience scale will be developed. The 4titude Project Coordinator will serve as an onsite mental well-being coach, administering Mental Health First Aid practices along with a continuum of well-being services dedicated to prevention, early identification and intervention. | $252,968.00 over 3 years | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Mi’kmaq Heritage Actors | 2021-2022 | Sharing our Culture-Sing, Dance, Drum | The Sharing our Culture-Sing, Dance, Drum project will increase youth and community awareness of Mi’kmaq culture through stories, songs, dance and drumming. | $300,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy & Safe Communities | 2021-2022 | Investing Upstream: Placing infants, children and youth at the forefront of lifelong mental well-being – a shift in policy direction for Prince Edward Island | Investing Upstream will increase cross-sector collaboration for the promotion of upstream mental well-being supports and policies on PEI. | $298,770 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
PEI Literacy Alliance | 2021-2022 | Ready Set Learn Enhancement Project | The Ready Set Learn Enhancement Project will integrate social support and preventative approaches into the Ready Set Learn program to address the mental well-being needs of children in PEI. | $141,369 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
Camp Triumph Society | 2021-2022 | Triumph Through Adversity | Triumph through Adversity will allow children who have a family member with chronic illness or disability to receive year-round access to programs and outreach support. | $297,050 over 3 years | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Building GRAND-Families Inc | 2021-2022 | Optimizing Mental Health and Well-Being in Grand-Families on PEI | Optimizing Mental Health and Well-Being in Grand-Families on PEI will increase public awareness and understanding of grand-families; build capacity to engage, serve and support grand-families; and develop professional and family competencies to meet the unique needs of grandchildren and youth living with their grandparents. A peer support community and extended network of support will also be created through this project. | $295,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | ||
4-H PEI | 2021-2022 | Rejuvenate 4-H Prince Edward Island | The Rejuvenate 4-H Prince Edward Island project will evaluate and revamp the existing 4-H provincial program. The project will maintain its focus of supporting the growth and development of youth aged nine to 21 around the following principles: leadership, executive training, public speaking, agriculture awareness, community service and life skills projects. | $300,000 over 3 years | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Centre Goéland Inc. | 2021-2022 | Village des Sources l’Étoile Filante Youth Mental Wellness Camps | Village des Sources l’Étoile Filante Youth Mental Wellness Camps offer mental health programming for school-age students. This project will allow for increased capacity and delivery to more students in English and French School Boards on PEI. | $87,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Blooming House Women’s Shelter Inc | 2021-2022 | Creating Resilience | Creating Resilience will deliver ‘Community in Conversations’ through ICT (integrative community therapy). Regular weekly ICT (groups) will be established providing a safe space of inclusion and diversity for sharing experiences to promote healthy coping strategies and creating and reinforcing social/support networks. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Association for Community Living | 2021-2022 | Care4Caregivers: Mental Health Support to Build Resilience for Caregivers | Care4Caregivers: Mental Health Support to Build Resilience for Caregivers will provide Care4Caregivers, a group-based, self-care and resiliency training program designed for those who are full-time continuing care providers. | $49,273 1-year funding | Read More | Visit Website | |
STEAM PEI | 2021-2022 | Making Something from Nothing: Family Maker Time | Making Something from Nothing: Family Maker Time provides an opportunity for families to build their resiliency and core life skills through engineering challenges, guided discussion and journalling. The program aims to build communication, problem solving and collaboration skills. | $18,209 1-year funding | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Under the Spire Music Festival | 2021-2022 | Community Ceilidh Concert Series (CCCS) | The Community Ceilidh Concert Series (CCCS) grew from recognition of barriers for audiences searching for accessible entertainment. This free concert series will feature four ceilidhs celebrating different communities: Families (July 2), LGBTQIA2S+ community (July 19), Franco-Acadian community (August 20), and the final ceilidh entitled Nostalgia (Sept 10) is dedicated to Island seniors. | $43,157.40 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
The PEI Food Exchange Program Inc. | 2021-2022 | The Greenhouse Project | The Greenhouse Project is an incubator program that can help communities across Prince Edward Island establish new, revitalize old, or strengthen existing gardening projects. The Greenhouse Project will provide support to participating communities in three main ways: community networking, experiential learning opportunities, and consultation. | $25,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI and the City of Charlottetown | 2021-2022 | Building Resilience with Community Gardens | Building Resilience with Community Gardens will improve mental well-being for all ages. This project will create a community garden space that can be accessed by anyone, from children attending alongside their parents to plant, weed or harvest, to seniors looking for a low-impact activity and way to be involved with the community. | $32,200 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Sport PEI | 2021-2022 | Building Resilient Coaches in PEI Communities (Preventing “Burnout” in Coaches and navigating Athletes in Distress) | Building Resilient Coaches in PEI Communities will develop tools and identify supports needed for Island coaches in moments of need for themselves and their athletes | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
PEI Farm Centre | 2021-2022 | Legacy Garden Therapeutic Horticulture Pilot Program | The Legacy Garden Therapeutic Horticulture Pilot Program proposes to help participants, adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and senior citizens learn new skills or regain those they’ve lost; it will also help participants improve their memory, language skills, cognitive abilities, and socialization skills. | $25,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Hospice Palliative Association of PEI (Hospice PEI) | 2021-2022 | Caregiver Hospice Peer Support Program | The Caregiver Hospice Peer Support Program will provide specialized training to current hospice volunteers, hospice staff and new volunteers by adding a caregiver support component. The Support Program will help caregivers emotionally, build on their resilience and give them tools for self-care and to navigate systems for their specific needs as a caregiver on their end-of-life journey with their loved one. | $25,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
Young at Heart Musical Theatre Company for Seniors Inc. (Young at Heart Theatre) | 2021-2022 | Enhancing Seniors’ Mental Wellbeing Through Safe and Sustainable Programming and Partnerships | Enhancing Seniors’ Mental Wellbeing Through Safe and Sustainable Programming and Partnerships will develop a strategy to find new ways to engage with seniors which will be safe, accessible and sustainable now and in the future. This strategy will build Young at Heart Theatre’s capacity to expand its reach to more seniors on PEI. | $40,200 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Island Pregnancy Centre | 2021-2022 | Mother’s Home Programming | Mother’s Home Programming provides essential supports to at-risk single mothers within a supportive housing environment. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Confederation Centre of the Arts | 2021-2022 | Expanded dance education in three parts: Inclusive Dance, Post-Natal Yoga, My Parent & Me | This project will support outreach and engagement efforts to make access to the arts more accessible through three programs: Inclusive Dance, Post-Natal Yoga and My Parent & Me | $15,480 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Black Cultural Society of Prince Edward Island Inc. (BCSPEI) | 2021-2022 | BPOC Peer Support Program & Mental Well-Being Anti-Stigma Campaign | The BPOC Peer Support Program & Mental Well-Being Anti-Stigma Campaign will offer mental health support for PEI’s Black and People of Colour (BPOC) communities while running an anti-stigma campaign around mental health within the BPOC communities. | $50,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Under the Spire Music Festival | 2021-2022 | Kensington Music and Wellness Week (KMWW) | Kensington Music and Wellness Week will work with local businesses to provide a week of mental well-being and resilience development programming paired with arts and culture. KMWW is a collaboration between Under the Spire Music Festival and the Town of Kensington to incorporate music into movement activities, community outreach, and resilience-based activities like exposure to music therapy and a Music and Wellness Lecture series. | $34,267.50 1-year funding | Visit Website | Watch Video | |
PEI Writers’ Guild | 2021-2022 | Queer Youth Group Writing Club | The Queer Youth Group Writing Club will create a writing club for 2SLGBTQ+ youth and allies aged 12-18 with the goal of producing a collaborative book and creating a familiar and safe space in order to nurture and develop an encouraging environment to build supportive relationships. | $50,000 1-year funding | Read More | Visit Website | Watch Video |
Creative PEI | 2021-2022 | The Creative Well-Being Initiative | The Creative Well-Being Initiative will address two areas of collaboration. The first is to enlist the help of the mental health community in promoting the mental well-being of arts workers who often struggle with the emotional strains of making creative work, challenging working conditions and precarious employment. The second is to identify ways that artists can support the mental health community by developing the capacity to use art as a means of promoting mental well-being for the community at large. | $50,000 1-year funding | Read More | Visit Website | |
Early Childhood Development Association of PEI | 2021-2022 | Handle with Care–Strengthening Program Evaluation | Handle with Care– Strengthening Program Evaluation will allow the Early Childhood Development Association of PEI to create an evaluation plan for the Handle with Care Program. The Handle with Care program consists of simple, interactive strategies that build on the strengths of parents and caregivers to help promote the social and emotional well-being of young children from birth to six years. | $10,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
Lung Association of NS & PEI | 2021-2022 | Exploring Youth Vaping/Smoking Cessation and Prevention on PEI | Exploring Youth Vaping/Smoking Cessation and Prevention on PEI will create a better understanding of the challenges and barriers youth and young adults encounter when trying to make a quit attempt, highlight opportunities for improvement to help youth who are addicted and provide evidence-based recommendations for advanced youth-focused cessation opportunities. | $30,000 1-year funding | Visit Website | ||
BIPOC USHR | 2021-2022 | Liberation School for BIPOC Resilience and Mental Well-Being | Liberation School for BIPOC Resilience and Mental Well-Being aims to increase the ability of BIPOC communities on PEI to “regain a sense of hope and imagine a positive future” in the face of daily racial trauma and re-establish a sense of safety, belonging, and dignity, both at the individual and community level. Based on the theories of decolonization, liberation psychology and critical consciousness, the curriculum of the school will be designed to increase confidence, pride, self-concept, and to improve knowledge on BIPOC histories, traditions, and approaches to mental health and addictions. | $70,911.50 1-year funding | Visit Website |