About the PEI Alliance for
Mental Well-Being

The PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being is an independent and incorporated non-profit organization. We are mandated to create conditions for positive change that advance resiliency and improve the mental well-being of all Islanders.  

Launched in 2021, our organization came as a response to community-informed recommendations to focus and accelerate activities at the prevention end of the spectrum. We aim to ensure all people living in Prince Edward Island have an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain the best possible mental well-being throughout their lifetime. 

Evidence-based research guides our activities. Throughout the year, we organize workshops, create learning opportunities, and bring people together to facilitate conversations about mental well-being and the support offered on PEI. These conversations aim to break down divisions, create connections, and increase impact through collaboration.  

Our Focusing Action for Positive Change Grant Program supports the delivery of projects and initiatives across the province that are focused on strengthening resilience to improve mental well-being. 


Mandate Statement

Creating conditions for positive change to advance resiliency and improve
mental well-being for all Islanders. 

The PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being is an independent and incorporated non-profit organization. We are mandated to create conditions for positive change that advance resiliency and improve the mental well-being of all Islanders.  

Launched in 2021, our organization came as a response to community-informed recommendations to focus and accelerate activities at the prevention end of the spectrum. We aim to ensure all people living in Prince Edward Island have an equal opportunity to achieve and maintain the best possible mental well-being throughout their lifetime. 

Evidence-based research guides our activities. Throughout the year, we organize workshops, create learning opportunities, and bring people together to facilitate conversations about mental well-being and the support offered on PEI. These conversations aim to break down divisions, create connections, and increase impact through collaboration.  

Our Focusing Action for Positive Change Grant Program supports the delivery of projects and initiatives across the province that are focused on strengthening resilience to improve mental well-being. 


Mandate Statement

Creating conditions for positive change to advance resiliency and improve mental well-being for all Islanders. 

Mental Well-Being

The World Health Organization describes mental well-being as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community.”

It is important to consider that mental well-being is defined in different ways by individuals, families, and communities depending on the context of their lives. Like resilience, it is not something that people have or do not have. Instead, our state of mental well-being can change throughout time.


Resilience is our capacity to navigate significant adversity or toxic stress and sustain mental well-being over the long term. 

The science of resilience refers to a body of knowledge that explores the impact of how early experiences shape our brain architecture and wire our neural pathways; ultimately affecting one’s health outcomes over a lifetime. This body of knowledge foundationally includes the Harvard Center on the Developing Child Working Papers, but also findings by other research entities around the world, including Fellitti and Anda’s landmark Adverse Childhood Experience Study (1998) and more recently the works of Dr. Michael Ungar (Dalhousie University – Resilience Research Centre) which address the connection between the experiences we have in our lives and our lifelong health outcomes. The social determinants of health and health inequalities help to inform work in this area.