Grant Program for Mental Well-Being Initiatives Launched

The PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being has officially launched its Focusing Action for Positive Change Grant Program. This multi-million funding mechanism is a catalyst for enhancing existing initiatives and creating innovative solutions relating to Islanders’ mental well-being. This grant program will enable individuals and groups to enhance the factors that build resilience; generate, and align programs and services; build capacity and raise awareness of the resilience and mental well-being connection; and share best practices. Funded projects must focus on supporting responsive relationships, strengthening care life skills and/or reducing toxic stress in Islanders.

“Our goal is to make the grants as accessible as possible,” said Karen Cumberland, Executive Director for the Alliance. “Therefore, we have created four funding streams, each designed to support differing needs and opportunities, including multi-year support, partnership development and innovative approaches.”

To ensure the proposed projects fit within the mandate of the Alliance, the application package requires that applicants provide a comprehensive proposal. The Alliance is delivering a technical workshop as well as coaching to ensure the applications are complete and effective.

“The grant program will only achieve its objectives if we get the money into the hands of those who are delivering programs and services on the ground in communities all across the Island,” said John Horrelt, Chair of the Alliance’s Advisory Committee. “We are here to help with the application process in any way we can.”

The Alliance is hosting a virtual Grant Program Technical Workshop on Thursday, December 16th from 1:00pm to 2:30pm AST. It is designed for all those interested in applying for an Alliance grant, this workshop will provide details on the funding streams and application requirements. The session will also be recorded for those who are unable to attend in person.

One-on-one coaching sessions will be offered between January 10 and February 7, 2022, to support applicants in ensuring their projects align with the Grant Program’s Objectives and Action Areas. The deadline to register for a session is January 4, 2022.

For more information on the Focusing Action for Positive Change Grant Program, contact Desiree Francis, the Grant Coordinator at: